Monday, February 13, 2006

Dedicated to Shadow

I havent posted in awhile and figured today would be a perfect time to start by posting a dedication to my dog Shadow who succumbed to cancer this week ( a few months short of her 11th birthday) . She will be greatly missed but.. myself and my family are relieved to know that the suffering she was experiencing was short and at an end.

Things we will miss:

The Elvis Presley sneer

Shadow greedily slurping out of the greasebucket on the offset.

Her ability to clear a room in seconds flat with nuclear level gas attacks.

Chasing any vermin with balls big enough to enter her domain (the backyard) and
coming back victoriosly with a mouthful of bunny fur.

3 foot leaps to catch in mid air lightning bugs, bees or anything else with wings with one snap of those famous Boxer crodile jaws.

Dozing 12 inches from a lit firepit on those balmy summer nights without catching her fur on fire.

Sitting out in the yard and keeping me company on those 90+ plus hot summer days when no one else in their right mind will venture outside with me .

Keeping me company on those long overnight bbq cooks. I do believe Shadow could have smoked a butt or brisket by herself now.

Sliming guests (especially those with black pants on)

Traumatizing my daughter by scarfing down her entire bag of Halloween candy she collected trick or treating

Eating all the Xmas baked goods off the dining room table..this happened annually I might add

There are many more but these are the ones that come to mind first. She was my close companion and will be missed very much.
This post is for you Shadow..see you in the next life my friend.


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