Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Movie Of The Week - High Tension

High Tension is a French made horror film and throwback to the good old days of early 70's era horror films before the whole genre was taken over by "suits" producing cookie cutter horror films or the umpteenth sequel starring Jason or Freddie Kruger .
The film pretty much starts out with two girls engaged in conversation while driving along the French countryside to visit one of the girls parents home. Once they reach the house in question its only about 5-10 minutes more when a late night doorbell ring from a portly guy driving a delivery van of some type starts the bloody festivities off in high fashion by dispatching everyone in the house save a character or two. The mayhem that follows literally does not let up until the end of the movie some 80 minutes later. I know im being vague but to say anything more would pretty much spoil the film for anyone who has not seen it. But one minor spoiler: rest assured a dresser can be used to remove a persons head! It does have the obligatory twist ending which im still not sure I liked. I almost felt cheated at the end but the more I think about the ending it makes more sense to me. I would love to hear other peoples opinions on it. All in all great stuff and the only thing I missed when viewing this was the crackly drive-in speaker next to my left ear .
The Reg 1 DVD boasts several versions of the film on the same DVD but the one to watch is the unrated directors cut in French with sub-titles. Those of you Joe SixPaks that dont like subtitles and will watch the dubbed version will only miss out on 40 some seconds of gore in return for your lack of reading skills. Those extra 40 seconds make staying awake through Miss Landers reading class when you were a young'en all worth it


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